Nov 15, 2018

Empowerment through Self-Advocacy with Reid

Updated: Apr 4, 2022

TheCIL’s Youth Transition Program is based on the Five Pathways to Independence and is meant to help students with disabilities be successful with their transition into post-secondary life. Any qualifying youth can register to take a summer bootcamp or participate in weekly Youth Activities based on the Five Pathways.

Students are invited to mix and match activities from the Five Pathways (including sports and recreation, employment, assistive technology, and more) to create a unique program that is based on their individual needs.

Program Manager Jenni and Reid

"I learned about myself. I learned how to use my own skills to try new things," Reid, a local student and an active participant in TheCIL’s youth transitions program.

His dad, David, also shares how he has seen Reid change through his involvement with us.

Q: What programs have you participated in?

R: I have played Frisbee golf, attended an A’s game, yoga, and electrical circuits with the tiny bots. I liked the yoga a little bit more because it helps me calm down a bit.

D: Yeah, and he’s been doing it at home in the mornings.

Q: What did you learn from the programs?

R: I learned about myself. I learned how to use my own skills to try new things.

D: What about interacting with people?

R: Yeah, interacting with people and getting out in the community too. I have also made new friends through the program.

Q: As his father, what do you think has been the most impactful for Reid?

D: He's definitely gaining confidence and I think he's doing a better job of advocating for himself. He looks forward to getting out and doing things. This helps to broaden his horizons. As special needs kids get older, it’s nice to have other activities [outside of school] where they can go have a social life, interact, learn, and make new friends. It’s been great to see Reid more independent. It’s exactly what we want for him.

Program Highlight: The Social Club is one of Bay Area’s first group for 14-24 year olds with intellectual/ developmental disabilities who are interested in having fun and creating lasting bonds with people just like them. The group meets once a month to explore different activities in the Bay Area and creates lasting friendships along the way.

Learn more about our Youth program by clicking here.