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Disability Pride Flag

Disability Pride Month

Honoring our Roots. Celebrating our Future.

Disability Pride Flag

Over Disability Pride Month, the Center for Independent Living (CIL) will honor those who built the roots of the CIL and the Independent Living and Disability Rights movements. 


We will also share the programs and people building the CIL today to continue to secure the civil and full human rights of people with disabilities so they can live their full lives in a supportive community. By expanding inclusion for people with diverse disabilities, the CIL expands inclusion for all. 


Over Disability Pride month, the CIL has set a goal of raising $20,000 in support of our programs, advocacy and services.

Fundraising Goal




Disability Pride Flag

CIL Memorial List

(People who worked at CIL and/or were instrumental in its work, from its founding through the mid/late 1970s. Current through May 22, 2023.)

Compiled by Ken Stein

Bob Allamand
Tom Avilla
Betty Bacon
Jan Balter
Shelley Bergum
Don Berry
Dr. Sheldon Berroll
Edna Brean
Anna Broaddus
Charlie Brown
Doug Brown
Mary Brown
Phil Chavez
Catherine Caulfield
Paul Church
Chuck Cole
Kitty Cone
Dale Dahl
Linda Davis
Nancy D'Angelo
Chris (Pocock) Domingo
Phil Draper
Kari Eells
Charlotte Ferris
Olin Fortney
Molly Fredericks
Adina Friedman

Sid Fry
Don Galloway
F.R. (Rocky) Gomez
Sharon Hamner
John Hessler
Judith (Judy) Heumann
Mary Ann Hiserman
Joyce Jackson
Neil Jacobson
Steven Handler Klein
Howie Harp
Hal Kirshbaum
Johnnie Lacy
David Landes
Larry Langdon
Peter Leech
Brad Lomax
Scott Luebking
Neil Marcus
Michele Martin
John McLaughlin, presumed / Thailand tsunami 2004.
Earl McKeever
Bob Metz
Mary Elyn O'Grady
Susan O’Hara
Mary Jane Owen
Clem Oishi

Michael Pachovas

Carmen Paz Anderson

Laura Rauscher

Dan Read

Ed Roberts

Kathy Roberts

Randy Roberts

Jack Rowan

Mariana Ruybalid

Greg Sanders

Dick Santos

Dottie SantaPaul

Si Shodel

A.J. Smaldone

Greg Smith

Sandra Thaler

Lynn Kidder Tijerina

Peter Trier

Ron Washington

Cece Weeks

Wally Whelan

Celeste White

Willie Winocur

Michael Winter

Jerry Wolf

Ray Zanella

Hale Zukas

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